Total Instruments Delivered In case you haven't heard yet, Music4Life™ has delivered more than 3,000 ready-to-play musical instruments in our first 15 years to local school districts for use by students from income-qualified families.
Last year alone (ending August 31st), we delivered 276 instruments valued at $109,802. All instrument values are estimated by our independent third-party vendor-experts.
Intended for use by the students of income-qualified families, each instrument must be returned when the student leaves the school district (due to graduation, family moves to another school district, etc.) so another student in-need can benefit from its use.
Local Music Teacher Cites Importance Occasionally, someone else describes the importance of Music4Life for students interested in instrumental music but whose families can't afford instruments. Here's a recent example:
"After teaching high school band for 30 years, I moved to teaching middle school this year. In the high school, most students provide their own instruments, however, at the middle school, that's not the case.
"Until this year, I had no idea what a critical role Music4Life plays in subsidizing the instruments the district provides. Holy cow. If it weren't for M4L, we'd have a lot of students who would not be able to play an instrument, or at least not the instrument of their choice.
"I am now only fully beginning to comprehend how much M4L contributes to the students in our school district, and I am in awe.
"THANK YOU to everyone who donates, repairs and provides instruments for our students. It matters."
Lesley Moffat Director of Bands Heatherwood Middle School Mill Creek, Washington
Top-to-Bottom Evaluation Completed Music4Life recently commissioned the Ostara Group to do a top-to-bottom / inside-out review of what we do and how we do it. (Ostara is the prominent development consulting firm in Seattle that's done similar work for Cancer Lifeline, the Ballard Food Bank, Bloedel Reserve and others.)
Hundreds of financial and instrument donors, Chapter leaders and others were surveyed. Besides praising our efforts, respondents had several recommendations that we're implementing. You'll be hearing more about these in future editions of Quarter Notes. In the meantime, many thanks to all who responded, as well as to Ali Marcus, Adam Runions & Scott Sadler of Ostara. More Students Are Interested in Instrumental Music
Everett Chapter President Jane Webber reports a 29.4 percent increase in the number of students participating in band programs in Everett Public Schools (684 students last school year to 885) and a whopping 48.9 percent increase in the number of students in orchestra programs (372 to 554) there during the same period. More and more students are interested in instrumental music, it seems. The State of Washington is also requiring more attention to arts education (see next edition).
Recorders for Highline
Highline P.S. fourth graders recently received 1,375 recorders (the little flute-like instrument that sticks straight out of the mouth) purchased by Music4Life with funds from the Des Moines / Normandy Park Rotary Club.
Ukuleles for Everett Students
Another entry-level musical instrument is the ukulele, 78 of which have been ordered for Everett P.S. At a unit cost of about $75 each, the uk's have been purchased with a major grant from the Yamane Family Foundation.
Many Thanks to Lamar Advertising
Music4Life enjoys the active support of several regional and local communications organizations (KING FM Radio, Encore Media Group, Shoreline Area News among them). Several years ago Lamar Advertising (billboard, digital, transit & airport advertising) acquired Clear Channel Communications that previously had acquired Ackerley Communications. Lamar has offices serving the Puget Sound area, as well as Yakima.